Electric Scooter for Kids Santa Ana California

Electric Scooter for Kids Santa Ana California

B. inggris Activity 1 Complete the following dialog with appropriate expressions provided in the box! I see I think your answers are correct I don't understand May I have your attention What do you think about it Do you know what I mean please. Dayu : Mom, ") Mother: What happened, dear? Dayu 2) Can you do it for me? Mother: Well, listen to me. You have to do it by yourself, Don't ever depend on yourself to othe about the material. So, I haven't done the homework. people. Do you get my point? Dayu : Yeah, 3 I'll try to do it myself. Can you check my work later?"____? Mother: Well, I think it's a good idea. : Mom, I have finally done it. Dayu Mother: ____. Let me see it. Dayu : Here you are. What is your opinion about it? Mother: 6) Two thumbs up for you. 7) Dayu Mother From now on, please be confident.) Dayu : Yes, I do. Thanks for reminding me. ? Great Thank you Activity 2 Choose the best response to the following dialogues.​

Activity 1 Complete the following dialog with appropriate expressions provided in the box! I see I think your answers are correct I don't understand May I have your attention What do you think about it Do you know what I mean please. Dayu : Mom, ") Mother: What happened, dear? Dayu 2) Can you do it for me? Mother: Well, listen to me. You have to do it by yourself, Don't ever depend on yourself to othe about the material. So, I haven't done the homework. people. Do you get my point? Dayu : Yeah, 3 I'll try to do it myself. Can you check my work later?"____? Mother: Well, I think it's a good idea. : Mom, I have finally done it. Dayu Mother: ____. Let me see it. Dayu : Here you are. What is your opinion about it? Mother: 6) Two thumbs up for you. 7) Dayu Mother From now on, please be confident.) Dayu : Yes, I do. Thanks for reminding me. ? Great Thank you Activity 2 Choose the best response to the following dialogues.​


Kegiatan 1 Lengkapi dialog berikut dengan ekspresi yang sesuai yang tersedia di dalam kotak! Saya melihat Saya pikir jawaban Anda benar Saya tidak mengerti Bolehkah saya meminta perhatian Anda Apa pendapat Anda tentang itu Apakah Anda tahu apa yang saya maksud, tolong. Dayu : Bu, ") Ibu : Apa yang terjadi sayang? Dayu 2) Bisakah kamu melakukannya untukku? Ibu: Baiklah, dengarkan aku. Kamu harus melakukannya sendiri, Jangan pernah bergantung pada diri sendiri untuk hal lain materi. Jadi, saya belum mengerjakan PR. Orang-orang. Apakah Anda mengerti maksud saya? Dayu : Ya, 3 Saya akan mencoba melakukannya sendiri. Bisakah Anda memeriksa pekerjaan saya nanti?"____? Ibu: Yah, saya pikir itu ide yang bagus. : Bu, akhirnya saya berhasil. Ibu Dayu: ____. Coba kulihat. Dayu : Ini kamu. Apa pendapat Anda tentang hal itu? Ibu: 6) Dua jempol untukmu. 7) Dayu Ibu Mulai sekarang, harap percaya diri.) Dayu : Ya, saya lakukan. Terima kasih telah mengingatkan saya. ? Terima kasih banyak Kegiatan 2 Pilih jawaban terbaik untuk dialog berikut.
